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Brief Synopsis

C.O.O.L.I.O centres it’s story on the ganglands of London, time travel and the power of good over evil. Even the underworld struggles in times of recession and despite the Charles Gang’s best efforts to keep to the straight and narrow, the odds are piling up against them. Only the fortunate and timely discovery of a time machine that allows its holder to travel back in time, thus altering the course of events in recent history, offers a glimmer of hope!

Character Analysis

Role – Mrs Aznavour

A ruthless, hard-hitting criminal, renowned for her ability to fence stolen goods, particularly diamonds. Employed to get information on a planned robbery, she takes no prisoners!


Paul J Lane

Cast Includes

Directed by Paul J Lane who also stars, the film’s cast includes; Geoff Bell, Brian Croucher and Paul Dewdney.

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